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Attention Employers: New Law Requires Hotel & Lodging Industry to Perform Worksite Evaluations

Cal/OSHA passes the Hotel Housekeeping Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention regulation that took effect on July 1, 2018. This new regulation requires affected employers to perform an initial worksite evaluation by October 1, 2018.

If you employ housekeepers you must now have:

  1. procedures to identify and evaluate housekeeping hazards through worksite evaluations;
  2. procedures to investigate musculoskeletal injuries to housekeepers;
  3. methods to correct identified hazards;
  4. employee and supervisor training on safe work practices and on the process for early reporting of injuries to the employer; and
  5. procedures to involve employees and their union representative in worksite evaluations, injury investigations, and evaluation of corrective measures.

Make sure your business is California compliant. If you have any questions on how to perform this initial worksite evaluation or how to reduce the risk of an employment-related lawsuit, call the attorneys at Chauvel & Glatt, LLP today!


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