We offer the option of consultations and meetings in-person, video & phone.

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Contact Us

Please note your submission via our website or any preliminary conversation with anyone at Chauvel & Glatt based on your submission are preliminary and tentative, and not based on thorough analysis and research of your legal issue or a conflicts check. Our representation does not begin until we agree to take your matter and a fully executed fee agreement is in place with Chauvel & Glatt.

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Get In Touch

Chauvel & Glatt has resumed in person appointments but we continue to offer video conferencing or phone meeting alternatives to accommodate client preferences.

Members of our team speak English and Spanish. Please call our office at 650-573-9500 or email us at contactus@chauvellaw.com for legal assistance.  We wish you and your family good health.

Miembros de nuestro personal hablan inglés y español. Si necesitan más información o si necesitan consejos legales por favor contáctenos en nuestro número telefónico de oficina: 650-573-9500 o por correo electrónico: contactus@chauvellaw.com.