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Summer Heat Means Risk of Workplace Heat-Related Illness Increases – Know What You Must Do To Protect Your Employees

As the summer heat intensifies, so does your obligation to protect your employees from heat-related illnesses. If you have employees who work outdoors, you are required to provide them with recovery periods of 10 minutes at least once every four hours. A ‘recovery period’ is a cool down period provided to prevent heat-related illness.

Employers must also provide cool drinking water and maintain a shaded area (for temps over 80F). In addition, employers in the agricultural, construction, landscaping, oil and gas extraction or transportation/delivery industries must provide a minimum 10-minute cool down period for every two work hours.

Make sure you stay on top of the heat-related risks when your employees are working outdoors this summer. For more information on best practices, contact the attorneys at Chauvel & Glatt, LLP. Enjoy this beautiful California weather!


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