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What To Do If a Lawyer Wants To Take Your Deposition

Depositions are part of the “discovery” process.  For a better understanding of the discovery process, please see our previous litigation posts about lawsuits and discovery.

A deposition is an out-of-court proceeding in which a lawyers asks questions of a witness under oath and with a court reporter present. Depositions typically take place at an attorney’s office or a court reporter’s office.  You may have your deposition taken by an attorney if you are a party to a lawsuit or you are someone who has personal knowledge about the facts of a lawsuit.  It is common during a lawsuit for a lawyer to depose the plaintiff, the defendant, an expert or someone who has a connection to the case, such as an eye witness. Often times, the person being deposed will receive a deposition subpoena which describes the date, time, location and purpose of the deposition.  The subpoena may also require you to produce specific records.  Failure to comply with a subpoena may result in a court order and sanctions against you.

If you are being deposed, it is critical to meet with your attorney beforehand to understand your rights and obligations before and during a deposition. The experienced attorneys at Chauvel & Glatt can assist you through this process.


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