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Chauvel & Glatt Welcomes New Attorney Joseph Newman

We are pleased to announce that Joseph (“Joe”) Newman has joined the firm of Chauvel & Glatt. Joe’s practice area focuses on estate planning, trust administration and probate. Joe counsels individuals, couples and families on strategic estate planning targeted to meet specific financial legacy, health care and family goals.

Prior to joining Chauvel & Glatt, Joe was a solo Estate Planning attorney with his own Estate Planning practice.  His prior legal experience, including handling criminal and personal injury matters, allows him to recognize that all circumstances are different, and planning varies from client to client. 

Joe is a native San Franciscan and on his free time he enjoys golfing and spending quality with his wife and three kids.

To learn more about Joe, click here. If you would like to discuss your estate planning needs, please call us at 650-573-9500.
