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Administrating an Estate, Consider Hiring an Attorney to Save Your Time.

At Chauvel & Glatt, we encounter clients that are halfway through the administration of an estate and realized they made the mistake of representing themselves. For every single one of these cases, the administrator starts off with the best intentions thinking that it is an easy process.

It is a difficult process to navigate and one that you should have legal guidance on from a qualified attorney. Often, at the beginning of a probate proceeding, the self-represented administrator is confident as the first step in opening a probate proceeding is self-explanatory and the administrator may receive guidance from the filing clerk. But as time goes on the administrator will encounter issues with understanding the California Rules of Court, filing deadlines, proofs of service and the local rules that differ from every county. These issues will result in lengthy delays and unfavorable rulings from the judge.

Once this happens, it can turn into a snowball effect causing heirs in the family and the court to question the administrator and his or her role.

Here at Chauvel & Glatt, we will guide you through a probate proceeding so you are not left alone to figure out the legal process. To find out how our attorney can assist you, contact us today.

This material in this article, provided by Chauvel  & Glatt, is designed to provide informative and current information as of the date of the post. It should not be considered, nor is it intended to constitute, legal advice or promise similar outcomes.  For information on your particular circumstances, please contact Chauvel & Glatt at 650-573-9500. (Photo credit:


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