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Ron Chauvel & Co. Race the Relay

Congratulations to Chauvel & Glatt managing partner Ronald Chauvel and the runners of Sponge Bob No Chance, who were once again the No. 1 fundraising team for The Relay, a two-day, 191-mile race from Calistoga to Santa Cruz.

Sponge Bob No Chance raised $13,146 for Organs ‘R’ Us, which promotes organ donation through athletics.

On May 3rd Ron kick-started the race for his team and ran in unfavorable conditions. “The first leg in Calistoga was fairly hot, and I got a bit dehydrated,” he recalled. “My second leg was from the Sonoma Cheese Factory at dusk, which was beautiful. During those six miles I went really fast and felt great!

“The third leg was through Woodside and Menlo Park,” he added. “My legs were a little tired, but I held on to a good pace.”

The members of Ron’s group are all friends, so Ron enjoyed spending time with them in the team van. “They’re a great, fun group – all good runners with no drama. I’m the old man of the group, and it was an honor to be included with very good runners and fantastic people.”

Sponge Bob No Chance finished in 27 hours and 33 minutes, 30 minutes faster than last year. They placed 64th out of 190 teams. “We all undercut our estimated finish times,” he said. “This group knows how to run The Relay!”


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