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What Are The Cal/OSHA Requirements For Your Company’s IIPP Program?

Did you know that, as an employer, you must have a written Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) in place, or you may be cited by California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health?

An IIPP is a written workplace safety program that every employer in California must develop, implement and update regularly. An effective IIPP not only improves the safety and health in your workplace, but also can prevent or reduce costly injuries and illnesses.

To be effective, your IIPP must meet the following requirements:

1) fully involve all employees, supervisors, and management

2) identify the specific workplace hazards employees are exposed to

3) correct identified hazards in a timely and appropriate manner

4) provide effective training

It must also contain the following elements:

1) Responsibility

2) Compliance

3) Communication

4) Hazard Assessment

5) Accident/Exposure Investigation

6) Hazard Correction

7) Training and Instruction

8) Recordkeeping

There are exceptions to these rules, of course.  If you don’t have an IIPP in place yet, or would like to make sure yours is compliant, we can help. Contact us today!

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