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What Covid-19 Rules Should Employers Follow?

Since the CDC updated its isolation and quarantine requirements, there has been significant confusion about what rules should employers follow.

Well Cal-OSHA has finally clarified that employers need to follow the California Department of Health’s isolation and quarantine requirements which align with the CDC updated recommendations. This change has also been adopted and now reflected in Cal-OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standards. This clarification is extremely helpful as employers need to be preparing their updated Covid-19 policies in light of the revised Emergency Temporary Standards going into effect January 14, 2022.

Employers should also keep in mind that specific counties and cities have adopted their own Covid-19 requirements that may be stricter than Cal-OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standards and employers should consult the Employer Lawyers at Chauvel & Glatt to ensure their Covid-19 policies and protocols are compliant.

For example, Los Angeles County has implemented a stricter face mask requirement which requires employers to provide employees with, and require, employees to wear a well-fitting medical grade mask, surgical mask, or higher-level respirator, such as an N95 or KN95 at all time while indoors. Cloth or other fashionable masks are now prohibited until further notice.  This differs and is stricter from the State-wide guidance in California which recently extended the mask mandate for all indoor public spaces (which includes private workspaces) until February 15, 2022, allowing employees to wear well-fitting masks of at least 2 layers.

Given that Cal-OSHA and different cities/counites have their own Covid-19 rules and regulations, it is important for employers to stay up to date on these changes in order to minimize risk and ensure you handle Covid-19 matters in the workplace correctly. For assistance on Covid-19 related matters, please contact your local Employer Lawyers at Chauvel & Glatt and implement proper Covid-19 policies and keep your workplace safe!


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