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New California Law Requires All Gender Bathrooms

Just this past week California Governor Jerry Brown signed a new law, effective March 1, 2017, which requires California businesses, public buildings and state and local government agencies to identify all single-user toilet facilities as “all gender” facilities.  As a result, single-user bathrooms will no longer be labeled as “men’s room” or “women’s room.”  Inspectors, building officials and public officials may inspect facilities for code enforcement.

This law expands upon current law which requires employers to provide a sufficient number of toilet facilities for employees.  Existing law also requires public agencies that serve the public to make facilities available free of charge.  Currently both publicly and privately owned facilities must maintain a sufficient number of temporary or permanent toilet facilities to meet the needs of the public during peak hours.

To learn more about how to make your business California compliant, contact the employment attorneys at Chauvel and Glatt.


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