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How the 2016 BIT Program Affects Motor Carriers

Revisions to the Biennial Inspection of Terminals (BIT) program significantly expands the number of California motor carriers required to enroll in BIT.  As the CHP implements the changes to the BIT program, California carriers should be aware of how these revisions may affect their operating authority and responsibilities.

Some of the new revisions include the following:

  • With some exceptions, a motor carrier who is the registered owner of a truck weighing over 10,000 pounds and used for commerce is subject to the BIT program.  Previously, operators of trucks under 26,001 pounds were exempted from the BIT program.
  • Previously when a vehicle was leased to a motor carrier for a period of four months or less, the registered owner was responsible for it under BIT, including presenting the vehicle for inspection and maintenance records. Under the new rules, the motor carrier (i.e. the lessee) will be responsible for it beginning on the first day of the lease.
  • Carriers with a MCP have now been issued a U.S. DOT number.  This does notmean carriers have obtained Federal DOT authority; carriers still need to complete the DOT authority application in order to obtain their own DOT authority.
  • The assignment of U.S. DOT number allows the CHP to upload a motor carrier’s vehicle, terminal and carrier inspections into the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) system.  The CHP can utilize this data to prioritize terminal inspections based on performance and “non-compliant” carriers.
  • The CHP will no longer collect BIT fees.  Instead BIT fees will be paid to the California DMV at the time of obtaining or renewing a MCP.  The BIT fee will be called a “Carrier Inspection Fee” or CIT.
  • There will no longer be a separate BIT application for new carriers.  They will be automatically enrolled in BIT when they pay their MCP fee.

Contact us to learn how our transportation attorneys can assist carriers in complying with these new changes and protect carrier’s operating authority.


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