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Employers Beware: New Bay Area Law Requires Commuter Benefits

Bay Area employers take note: Companies with 50 or more full-time employees within specific geographic boundaries must make available to their employees one of four commuter benefit options by September 30, 2014. This program aims to promote the use of alternative methods of transportation to decrease traffic and reduce pollutants in the air, thereby protecting the environment and public health.

While benefiting employees, this program also has potential tax benefits for employers. Consult with a CPA to learn more about the tax benefits to ensure you get the benefits of this program. To read about the commuter benefit options and register for a program, please visit the Commuter Benefits webpage on 511.org.

Our client RidePal, a web-based commuter bus service for individuals and companies in the San Francisco Bay Area, is an excellent option for employers exploring ways to address this new law.

The commuter benefit regulation, developed by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, is just one of many local ordinances that can be missed by employers. For more information about regulations and ordinances that affect your business, contact us today.


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