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Mental Health Awareness Month in the Workplace

May is Mental Health Awareness month and it is a reminder for employers to take the time to review their policies and benefits surrounding employee mental health and well-being. As an employer, providing employees with support and tools to promote positive mental health and well-being at work is extremely important.

Having policies and benefits to support mental health has been found to promote productivity and boost overall morale in the workplace.  Employers can consider offering resources for employees to take advantage of mental health tools, such as offering free meditation resources or counseling. Employers may also expand their Paid Sick Leave use to allow employees time off for mental health days and/or add a mental health holiday in the Month of May. While California law does not mandate employers to offer benefits such as a mental health day, Employers may choose to adopt these benefits, but it is important for employers to create proper and clear policies surrounding these mental health benefits. 

Employers may also choose to have voluntary activities/events during the workday such as puppy therapy (bring puppies to the workplace); make your own stress ball activity; or even a yoga day. While this may not be sensible for all workplaces, these are just a few examples that an employer may implement in the workplace or do once in a while to show their support about the well-being of their employees.

To discuss the creation of mental health benefit policies in the workplace and how best to roll out mental health activities in the workplace, contact the  Employment Lawyers at Chauvel & Glatt.

The material in this article, provided by Chauvel & Glatt, is designed to provide informative and current information as of the date of the post. It should not be considered, nor is it intended to constitute, legal advice or promise similar outcomes.  For information on your particular circumstances, please contact Chauvel & Glatt at 650-881-3021.


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