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Register Your Trademark!

The topic of intellectual property comes into play with the start of every new business. Specifically, when your products or services are identified by a word, symbol, design or even a sound, your trademark or service mark can be protected under trademark laws.

The best way to protect your trademark or services mark is to register it with the United States Patent and Trademark office (USPTO). Registration indicates that the mark belongs exclusively to the registrant with respect to the goods or services specified in the registration. This prevents others from infringing the mark you have registered.
The process to register a mark can be lengthy and complicated. However, it is helpful to choose a distinctive mark rather than one which is generic or merely descriptive of your products or services. Instead, you should aim to utilize marks that are suggestive of your offerings or consist of arbitrarily chosen words such as “Google.”
Registering your mark during the beginning stages of your business formation will allow you to plan for your future. By researching a mark before selecting your company or product name, you will have a clearer understanding of the availability of the mark outside of the local area. By registering your mark from the start, the protection against trademark infringement will clear the path for long range business planning, such as expansion.
Here at Chauvel & Glatt, we can assist you in researching whether a mark is already in existence, choosing the best mark for registration, and registering your mark. To learn how our attorneys can help you and your business, contact us today.

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